Sleep: A Huge Life-Essential

In this post, I have the pleasure of hosting Dean Burgess of He’s got a great site unpacking entrepreneurship and providing motivation and equipping for that journey. Check it out!

Here, Dean explains why sleep makes you younger, and how you and your family can get better-quality sleep. For some this may be easier than others. In my family, half of us find it a bit more difficult to get good “z’s”. So I know it’s not uncommon to struggle with this fundamental need. I hope you’ll find this article encouraging and helpful to get the rest you need for peace and wholeness.

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Quality Sleep: The Secret to Looking and Feeling Younger

People commonly spend thousands on anti-aging creams, botox treatments, and fancy Mediterranean diets trying to look and feel young. You don’t have to spend money to look young, though. There is an incredibly potent youth treatment you – and your whole family – can access for free – high-quality sleep! Just consistently sleeping better can (and will) take years off of you. 

How sleep makes you look and feel younger 

Quality sleep has proven anti-aging benefits. According to Psychology Today, good sleep is a natural full spa treatment that’s a facial, a deep conditioning treatment, and a mani-pedi all rolled into one. Sleep slows down arterial aging, reduces stress, smoothes out wrinkles and fine lines, and promotes cellular growth and repair.

Moreover, your body releases HGH nightly during slow-wave sleep. HGH is a natural botox that makes your skin, hair, and nails shine. Having more HGH makes you look younger. Getting more (and better) sleep is key to having more HGH in your body. 

Below are some tips on how your family can get better quality sleep: 

Optimizing your bedroom environment for sleep 

Your bedroom environment has a massive impact on your sleep quality – tweaking it is key to sleeping better. Humans sleep best in dark, cool, and quiet places. To make your bedroom darker, get solid curtains to keep street lights out. Turn the temperature down for bedtime (if applicable) or invest in an aircon to make it cooler. Also, having a window open can bring in fresh air and ventilate your room. Finally, consider getting earplugs or a white noise machine to prevent sound disruptions.

Upgrading your bedding 

Your bedding is just as important as your bedroom environment. Consider adding a new duvet, sheets, and throw pillows for more comfort. You should prioritize cotton bedding – it’s breathable, comfortable, and durable. You can get these with unique patterns crafted by independent artists. If you order designs that are printed on-demand, your design will always be in stock and you can customize it to your tastes. Check this out to learn more.   

Have a sleep routine to prepare for bed

You can’t instantly switch from active to relaxed and ready for bed – you need to ease yourself into it. Having a sleep routine can help you wind down in an efficient, reliable way. Some suggestions for a sleep routine are having a warm shower, putting your devices away, reading, listening to music, meditating, writing in your journal, and making your bed. 

Have strict rules if you’re working from home 

People who work from home frequently, full-time or part-time, have blurred professional and personal lives, as Work Mind can confirm. They find it hard to disengage from work, get an overdose of screen time, and generally keep to odd hours. Needless to say, this causes them many sleep-related issues. If you’re one such at-home remote worker, make sure you keep to a strict routine. Put your screen away before bedtime, don’t work in your bedroom, and avoid caffeine later in the day.


Getting good sleep consistently will keep you (and your family) looking and feeling young. It’s natural, sustainable, and doesn’t cost thousands of dollars. The other benefits include a better mood, feeling good in your body, and having plenty of energy to face the day. 

Family Connections Coaching offers life coaching based on radical wholeness for the entire family. Learn to meet your life goals, raise an amazing family, create a happier family culture, and be a better parent.