Life Coaching Tips

Newsletter: A Beefed Up Growth Mindset

What's possible with a strong growth mindset?
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In my previous post, I talked about what a growth mindset is and what it's good for. Pretty obvious it's good for a lot of stuff. But what if...
What if it was beefed up?
 You know, juiced! What if we created environments around ourselves, our loved ones, and even our work places to get everyone into a mode to readily learn new things, process them, and rigorously exercise trial and error to improve, develop, and achieve radically creative / innovative solutions? More importantly, doing all that without the relational shackles caused by insecurities, needs for approval, and dysfunctions driven by fear. What would happen to our hearts? Our homes? Our organizations? Our communities and cities?

What if we experienced more of these?
  • Meaningful Validation
  • Communication, Collaboration, Community
  • Greater Diversity
  • Grander Vision
Shouldn't these become the norm rather than hopeful ideals shackled by fixed mindsets?

Read on here.

I know some of you may not be feeling it and that's cool. In the next issue, I'll talk some about things that kill this kind of stuff and it begins with an "r".
PARENTING TIP: (click on pic to learn about success being a journey)
We all want our kids to be successful but often times forget what the road to get there looks like. With all those twists, turns and switch backs, how do we help them stay on course? Foster these 8 things (click on pic):

Centrally prioritize healthy relationships.
Healthy relationships give life to our hearts, the source of those 8 things. It's also what our kids need most. Try these tips for starters. Look for an e-course coming soon on this!
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Newsletter: Growth Culture and Mindset

Are you living with a growth mindset?
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Check out my e-course and parenting workshops!


If we want the very best for our families, we need foundational fundamentals that will keep all members moving forward towards their full potential and cultivating deep connections with each other. What might that be?

Self awareness that empowers and equips us to move our family forward in what matters most.

To make this happen, a growth mindset (especially in the area of emotional and relational health) is absolutely essential. It's terrible when mom, dad, or kids feel like they can't change the negative ways they relate and respond. So they distract themselves rather than learn how to grow to achieve greater maturity.

Looking at the graphic, it's easy to see why the growth mindset should be preferred.

  • We're passionate for learning rather than being hungry for approval.
  • We see failure as growth and learning rather than something to fearfully avoid.
  • We experience meaningful improvement rather than just another head-knowledge addition.
  • We recognize and experience the power of life long learning.

So what's behind having a fixed or growth mindset? Read on here.

And it starts in our own minds. We need it to be a place of growth and vitality! Check out my ecourse to learn more. 

Bloom's Taxonomy of Learning
“After forty years of intensive research on school learning in the United States as well as abroad, my major conclusion is: What any person in the world can learn, almost all persons can learn, if provided with the appropriate prior and current conditions of learning.”
- B. Bloom

I emphasized the last phrase to get our attention onto creating conditions of learning. In our brains, the learning center and the fear center are very close together at the core. Fear shuts down learning. Trust and love promote it. When we create environments that cultivate courage and compassion, members of our families can bravely go through challenges (by us, others, and / or life events), learn from trial and error, and experience break throughs through processing, faith, actions and persistence. 

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