June 2021 Update: Transition

Dear Friends,

I just transitioned out of a 3 year interim ministry position. Contributed to the health and direction of the faith community. Fostered holistic leadership and replaced myself with a highly favored in-house member. Made great friendships. It’s been a wonderful season of growth and development.

As I reflect, I learned much about the often overlooked value of navigating perplexities to arrive at greater harmony within oneself and deeper relationships. To graciously see and effectively act on the opportunities that crises bring, we need hearts that are open to discomfort and struggles that occur within. Without diving into the depths of emotional health and meaningfully engaging hurts and fears, purpose, brand and culture fall short of desired alignment. In every organization (companies, nonprofits, families), there are covert values that perpetuate status quo, dysfunctions, and hypocrisy. This is true of our interiors as well. Without substantial understanding of underlying drivers of imbalanced priorities (for ourselves and others), attention is kept on pragmatic concerns and solutions.

An overemphasis on being practical is the result of aversion to interior perplexities ie. triggers, emotional baggage, irrational insecurities, chronic anxiety and worry etc. Without clarity about deep issues, we’re stuck with binary thinking, a consciousness that never really addresses our problems nor finds true, long term solutions. Things are either good or bad, right or wrong, black or white. It’s all or nothing. My way or the high way. Dualistic thinking keeps leaders and organizations in the shallow end of serving their communities and constituencies. Worst case scenario, corruption and oppression. It perpetuates conflict and tensions in our marriages and families. It disconnects us from our children as they become adolescents and progress towards individuation. Peace and integration are not experienced and we lose our souls because the essence of our soul is integration.

Without deep growth and development, the most important things that truly change people’s lives for the better, that effectively help the marginalized, that bring hope to those silently struggling never emerge in the consciousness of decision makers. Plans and actions may look different but essentially remain the same for years and even decades.

In this new season, I hope to be an agent of wholeness to support those who want to deeply develop their capacity and ability for greater personal and organizational health. Take advantage of the reset opportunity that this past year and a half has given us. DM me to chat about what this could look like for your company, your nonprofit, your family, your marriage, your soul.

You can check out my impact at CLC here. I received feedback from parents, kids, young and older adults, and staff. Felt much love!