Can you identify financial abuse and do you know what to do about it?

Can you believe summer is over, schools have started, and we’re already past Labor Day! We’ll be into the holidays before we know it. Before all the busyness ramps up, I’d like to draw attention to something serious and unfortunately common: financial abuse. This is something we should all be more aware of and take steps to prevent. And if it is currently happening to someone we know, even ourselves, we need to bring light to the situation and take action to stop it.

Elvira Camargo of reached out to me and provided me with some great resources to share on the topic of financial abuse. Learn about warning signs, specific situations, and most importantly getting away from this harmful behavior and recovering from it.

Here is Elvira’s introduction with links to articles on the site:

“In our pursuit to empower and support those who are vulnerable, we must shed light on an often-overlooked issue: financial abuse

Financial abuse affects countless women and elderly, causing distress and uncertainty about their financial future. These comprehensive guides offer essential information on recognizing the warning signs, preventive measures, and available resources to break free from this cycle of exploitation.
Remember, knowledge is power. We encourage you to explore these resources and take charge of your financial well-being. Let's build a stronger, more financially secure future for all women.” 

APA Simmons, C. (2023, June 30). Financial Abuse. Retrieved August 8, 2023, from

I hope you find the information helpful and will forward to others who may need help navigating these tragic situations.